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EuroCalc exchange rates updated 14:15 CET from the ECB.
CurrencyAmount CurrencyAmount
Euro U.S.A.: Dollar
Japan: Yen Denmark: Crown
Britain: Pound Sweden: Krone
Switzerland:franc Croatia: Kuna
Norway: Kroner Bulgaria: Leva
Romania: New Lei Czech: Koruny
Israel: Shekel Hungary: Forint
Latvia: Lat Lithuania: Lita
Russia: Ruble Poland: Zloty
China:Yuan renminbi India: Rupee
Australia: Dollar Canada: Dollar

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EUROCALC: EURO Calculator (webversion) - Javascript Copyright (C) Pim van Mun - mun(at)wxs(dot)nl
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The old version showing the pre-2002 legacy European currencies may be accessed here.

Spreadsheet Auditing Training course

 Most popular euro links on the sysmod.com web site:

 EMU Index - the general euro index page with a list of recommended books on the Euro
 Euro FAQ - answers questions on the technological challenges of euro transition
 Euro Software links : symbol, converters, calculators
 Euro and EMU Questions answered on EMU, economics, and the euro and web rings
 National information Euro Links
largely historical but including UK

 General Euro Web links
non-country-specific web sites and the European Commission
 Euro Info: europapers, magazines, and other documents
Glossary, Euro-papers, Publications
 Euro Workshop: our course outline and speaking engagements on the euro
 BASDA Accreditation for euro conversion and our Euro Certification Testing services

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