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Customers want everything as long as they don’t have to pay for it.
When the cost of “dual display” is made plain, they may decide it’s not so important.
Superficial “dual display” sounds easy … a conversion of an invoice total; but that’s of no use to the recipient if they really wanted prices and line items amounts and VAT analysis all expressed in euro.
Timing matters too … can the decision be put off until 2002? That may sound like heresy to national changeover boards, but pragmatically, many businesses are implicitly deciding to “jump together” at that date rather than earlier. Early conversion requires dual currency processing, which may not be needed for systems that deal with the public. Business-to-business transactions may well change earlier.
One of the most important lessons which the International Y2K Co-operation Centre learned about Y2K is to ask the dreaded question “So What?” more often. What would it matter if this system was not ready? What difference would it make?