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Links pageEvery web site has to have a page of miscellaneous links that don't belong under the other categories. They are chosen because of a personal interest, an unusual resource, one that we think may be of interest to our visitors.
Bernie Goldbach's weblog "Underway in Ireland" Web intelligence snippets from Ireland. BlackNight
Solutions offer spam-filtered ISP services and run the search engine
Ireland's Directory is a new directory of web sites. Enterprise Quality Specialists Limited are Business and Manufacturing Quality Consultants. Enterprise Quality Management Systems, Management Execution Systems and business process improvement solutions. Systems developed by Pilgrim Software and Camstar. Seabrook Research Limited are Manufacturing Consultants and specialists in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Enterprise Performance Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Document Management software solutions. Payroll Outsourcing. Business Europe has a series of "how to" guides with useful and practical business tips. For example, the Ecommerce guide. Frontend
reviews use some of the world's most
popular websites in order to illustrate key concepts in
usability engineering. Business Plan Ware The GED (General Educational Development Test; General Equivalency Diploma )
is the equivalent of a high school diploma, obtained by taking a test.
GED Preparation & High School Diploma Online
(PassGED) offers tests, online courses, and lesson plans.