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EuroStar 2001 - European Software Testing Analysis & Review

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EuroStar - European Software Testing Analysis & Review
9th International Conference

Stockholm, Sweden, Nov 19 - 23

Thursday November 22 - Conference Day 2

Thursday Track Sessions

Fast Track; Internet; End to End; Techniques; Management

15:10 T18
Pitfalls in Euro Software Testing
Patrick O'Beirne, Systems Modelling Ltd, Ireland

T18 Pitfalls in Euro Testing
Patrick O'Beirne
A software tester needs to be like a sculptor or diamond cutter looking for the flaw line where a small tap cracks the whole thing open. Good testers are 'nit-picking' and 'pedantic' people who are sceptical and love to break things. They like to find out why things break and demonstrate how to fix systems so they don't break so easily. This presentation, by a qualified TickIT ISO 9000 auditor and an expert advisor to the European Commission, describes some real-life flaws found in accounting packages when tested for 'euro compliance'.
· Test the tools as well
· Don't judge it by the wrapping
· Domain knowledge is needed

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