Related Pages:
The euro content of this web site is preserved for the interest of readers in the UK, Sweden, and Denmark, and the accession countries. We have a wealth of archival material that describes the work that was done in the 12 eurozone countries for a successful transition to the euro on 1.1.2002. If you are doing contingency planning for a euro changeover, you can benefit from our considerable experience. Contact us for advice, training, and testing services to prevent problems in the systems conversion project! Email On this page: | Euro News | Book+CD | Articles | I.T. FAQ | Software | EMU FAQ | National pages | General euro links | Documentation | Training course | Euro-Impact | WebRing |
How to succeed in your euro project.If you're in Denmark, the UK, or Sweden, learn from the experience of those who have changed to the euro. Discover the secret traps in euro conversion and what vendors are not telling you about "euro compliance". Free reader support.
The book "Managing the Euro in Information Systems - Strategies for Successful Changeover" is available from Amazon in the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France
See below for other books on the euro and business
Book Description |
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$ | £ | € | € | CAD | |||
Managing the Euro in Information Systems: Strategies for Successful Changeover. Patrick O'Beirne. | USA | UK | Germany | France | Canada | ||
A Guide to the Euro by Jay H. Levin, Wayne State University (pub. Houghton Mifflin, 2002) explaining both the historical and political background as well as the economic underpinnings of monetary integration. | USA | UK | Germany | France | Canada | ||
Preparing for the Euro by Colin Stringer. UK Companies can and should make preparations now. This briefing explains what lessons can be learned from the experiences of companies across the eurozone. |
USA | UK | Germany | France | Canada | ||
Understanding the EURO : The Clear and Concise Guide to the New Trans-European Currency By Christian N. Chabot. The euro in the context of global commerce; how the euro will affect businesses and investments worldwide. | USA | UK | Germany | France | Canada | ||
The Euro: Yes or No? Anthony Browne. Should the UK join the single currency? Arguments for and against sterling going into EMU giving the advantages and disadvantages of the eurozone. | UK | Germany | |||||
Blowing the Whistle Paul van Buitenen, Lorna Dale (Translator) In 1998 Paul van Buitenen, an assistant auditor in the Financial Control Directorate of the European Commission in Brussels, lifted the lid on the internal corruption and fraud he had unearthed at the heart of the Commission. | USA | UK | Germany | France | Canada | ||
euro newsfeed updated every 5 minutes. (Opens a new
browser window)
| Yahoo! Daily News on the euro EU Observer provides a news feed by email Google archive of the euro newsgroup. is a journalist's weblog with correspondents in many eurozone countries.
For historical interest: a euronews archive of the first week of 2002.
Joint statement by representatives of consumers and representatives of traders and SMEs Good practice to promote consumers' familiarity with the euro and to facilitate the introduction of euro coins and banknotes in 2002 (2 April 2001) may be downloaded from the FEE Web site or directly from this link as a PDF file (19K)
Euro-paper 42 "EMU: The first two years" (Mar 2001) may be downloaded from the FEE Web site or directly from this link as a PDF file (509K)Advice to
accountants and auditors about the change to the euro
In preparing and auditing the year 2000
accounts, this is the last
systematic opportunity accountants and auditors will have to advise
clients about the need for early and adequate preparation for the
introduction of the euro. A letter and enclosures in nine
languages has been sent to all the national accountancy body members of
Fédération des Experts Comptables Européens (FEE). It
includes advice on practice management issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland, a suggested
audit checklist, and Advice published by the Compagnie
Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (in French).
From the Commission document 10 October 2001
ECFIN/532/01-EN Second report on the preparations for the introduction
of euro notes and coins
The slogans of the euro campaigns, which
have been launched in all the euro-area countries since the beginning
of 2001, shed light on the key theme in each country.
Belgium "Soon, the euro will be replacing the franc"
Bientôt l'euro remplace le franc, Straks
vervangt de euro de frank
Germany "True values win through: the euro"
Echte Werte setzen sich durch Der Euro
Greece "Euro: promising future" "I'm with the euro too"
(Evrosto Mellon), (Ke ego Evro)
Spain "The euro, start counting with it/on it"
Euro empieza a contar con el
France "The euro is easier together"
L'euro, c'est plus facile ensemble
Ireland Think euro- the change is in your pocket
Smaoinigh euro - is I do phoca- sa a bheidh an t-athrú
Italy "The euro becomes an everyday event"
L'euro entra nel quotidiano
Luxembourg "Ready for the euro"
Prett fir den euro!
Netherlands "The euro is for us all"
De euro wordt van ons allemaal
Austria "Welcome to the euro", (no overall slogan but targeted slogans)
Willkommen Euro
Portugal "The euro: the right answer"
Euro. A resposta certa
Finland "Euro into practice" (not a slogan but an objective)
Euro tas I bruck, Euro käyttöön
ECB/Eurosystem "The euro, our currency"
L’euro notre monnaie
Commission "The euro: the European Union in your hand"
L'euro : l'Union européenne dans votre main
magazine: 100% euro, 100% impact.
Contents January 2002 Final Issue
about the euro Talking about the euro for the last time Policy & Issues Smooth changeover confounds Cassandras Why some banks and post offices struggled to cope IBAN, BIC numbers compulsory on cross-border invoices Cash helps ‘out’ countries’ pro-euro camps The rights and wrongs of German euro rebates Waiting for the euro to deliver on price convergence Prices are the main complaint More coins needed, long-term fate of 1, 2-cents uncertain Finns round only cash payments ECB, Europol co-operation in counterfeiting Italians hit by eurostress Nicknames for Dutch euro |
Euro-impacts |
Euro-Impact Editor's letter
One final word …
Since May 1997, when the trial issue of Euro-impact was launched and I worried (unnecessarily) about whether we would be launching the first issue in June 1997 with no subscribers, we have tried to stay away from the politics of the euro. Much to the amazement of many of my compatriots.
I am British, as many of you know by now. Indeed, some people have pointed to the paradox that a British publication with British editorial staff and British capital should be the only surviving pan-European newsletter for business on the single currency.
Because I am British, I have spent a great deal of time over the last few years explaining to my compatriots that it is possible to produce a monthly on the euro without taking a political stance either for or against it.
For that we had columnists, and in particular, Michael Rolfe, the pseudonym for John Wyles. To John, Euro-impact is indebted for his thought-provoking, up-to-the-minute columns and much unsung work in the boiler rooms of Euro-impact together with his wife and business partner, Carla Ciminera. Euro-impact was a joint venture of the three of us.
It is true that it would probably have been difficult for a eurosceptic to have enthused about being a member of the Euro-impact editorial team, but I believe we nevertheless succeeded in our mission of being an objective tool to help you deal with a reality you may love or hate, but could not escape.
Personally, I have always said I am an agnostic about UK membership, while behind the objective stance we have tried to pursue for the last five years and more, I have had no doubts that the single currency was the right, and an unavoidable course, for most of the EU. Consequently, I was as excited as anyone in the crowds which cheered the arrival of the euro at midnight at December 31. And I know many of you felt the same thrill, coupled with relief that the preparation had paid off in a smooth changeover.
And I must eat humble pie: I had been critical of the Publicis/European Central Bank advertising campaign. In practice, the concept that the euro should be portrayed as synonymous with youth and dynamism was clearly right. The behaviour of the public at large belied the surviving euro-scepticism shown in many polls and was testimony to the understanding that this was a historic moment and the eve of a new era. Many of us, and I was one, underestimated the popular sense of history.
So Euro-impact completes its mission on a high note, notwithstanding the inevitable glitches which accompanied the biggest peacetime logistical exercise ever. We, like the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe, with which we have been proud to co-operate for much of our existence, are folding our tents. As euro project managers, you are largely doing the same. I wish you well and thank you once again for all the help you have given me in understanding what Euro-impact readers' concerns were.
Marion Bywater
Editorial Director
EMU Index
- this index page which briefly describes the following:
to convert currencies, Javascript by Pim van Mun
Euro FAQ - answers
questions on the technological challenges of euro transition
links : symbol, converters, calculators
Euro and EMU Questions answered
on EMU, economics, and the euro
and web rings
National information
Euro Links largely historical but including UK
General Euro Web
non-country-specific web sites and the European Commission
Euro Info: europapers,
magazines, and other documents Glossary Euro-papers, Publications
O'Beirne's Articles on EMU, the euro, I.T. and
Information Systems
Euro Workshop:
our course outline We provide consultancy on how
to efficiently and
accurately convert business and information systems to the
euro. Also see Patrick O'Beirne's
speaking engagements on the euro
BASDA Accreditation
for euro conversion and our Euro
Certification Testing services