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euro web sites
This page is maintained by Patrick O'Beirne of, author of the book+CD "Managing the Euro in Information Systems: Strategies for success" (The revision history of this document is at the bottom) If you have any sites to suggest especially in the countries without many links below, please use the feedback form. Equally, if you find that any of these sites do NOT contain useful information on the euro, please contact us to have them removed, and keep this a high-quality directory. Thanks! ContentsGeneral: Map & Country codes, EU Web ring, Euro-EU mail list, European Commission and European-wide associations such as EuroCommerce. Other Euro Search Engines and Portals Commercial sites (publishers, consultants, banks, service providers, shops) For National and official sites, see the National euro links page EuCitizen Web ringPRO-EURO: Click on the buttons above to find out more about the European Union. (The link is inactive August 2002) ANTI-EURO: You can find opposing viewpoints at the Euro-sceptic Web Ring by clicking on these text links following: [ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ] (The web ring home page is )
The Euro-EU Discussion ListThis is a mail list discussing the euro changover. It was hosted by as the Euro2002 list until 2002. Its initial focus was on technical and operational matters, and now has broadened to include topics of politics, economics, monetary policy, and the effect on the consumer. Details of how to subscribe are in the EURO FAQ. Archives of the Euro2002 list can be found on the web at Other discussion groups : Google archive of the euro newsgroup. Thomas Widmann's FAQ gives answers to questions from the general to details about the watermark barcodes on the euro notes and coins. a YahooGroup focusing on political and economic discussion and contingency planning for a possible UK entry into the euro. "Should the UK join the Euro?" discussion board. European Commission and international bodies: "Since it was decided to launch a single currency in Europe, numerous Internet sites dealing with the euro have been set up by individuals, institutions, companies, etc. In order to keep this Internet memory of the euro alive, the Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission has decided to store all these documents –whether merely informative, in favour of or against the euro currency - in an electronic archival resource, Euro-Archives, which aims to make all points of view on the euro accessible to the widest possible audience." The European Commission site "The euro - one currency for Europe" is It has sections on economic union, women, children, business, public services, disabled, consumers etc. The
euro - the EU in your hand Euro essentials The site had card games "Domineuro", "Euro beg of my neighbour","Eurobingo", "Euro shopping", "Holiday 2001. Don't forget to pack the euro !", "Mock-up of the euro coins", "Euro dummy banknotes for the training of blind, deaf and handicapped persons", the "Euro Made Easy Projects" and background studies on psycho-sociological aspects. is the E.C. general search page. is the press pack and page of general contacts for the Commission. Other photographs, images, audio and video clips may be obtained free of charge from the Central Audiovisual Library, European Commission. Photos are not subject to copyright and can be used for non-commercial use. (Offline Dec 2001) was the Quarterly Review of the Use of the Euro by the DG for Economy and Finance. This note is a synthesis of the various studies existing on the development of the use of the euro by the customers, the businesses and the public administrations in the Member States participating to the EMU. It also presents the results of a regular survey of the Commission among European banks on the share of the euro in the payments and bank accounts. Eurobarometer (Eurobarometre) reports regular surveys on attitudes to the EU and the euro. publishes economic statistics on Europe. Euro Info Centres (EIC) act as an interface between European institutions and at a local level to help them gain easier access to the opportunities presented by Europe and to prepare them for crucial milestones, such as the euro, electronic commerce, enlargement etc. The following is a link to a map of all EICs:
Geographical Coverage and Addresses. Euro Info Centres and
Euro Info Correspondence Centres are present in the
following countries. Austria Belgium Bulgaria Czech Republic
Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary
Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway
Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden
United Kingdom Cyprus Egypt Gaza Israël Jordan Latvia
Lebanon Malta Syria Switzerland Tunisia Turkey The EU Programme for the Information Society (ISPO) has a Web site concerning the IT impact of euro conversion at: This site features case studies from large companies across Europe. The European Central Bank euro website: Euro banknotes and coins - How to get ready for the euro - New and events and also an information section for children. ECB (previously the European Monetary Institute) main site offers statistics, MFIs and assets, publications, EMI archives, links to EU Central Banks. (banque centrale europienne, europese centrale bank, banco central europeo) (Offline Dec 2001) European Investment Bank site provides projects, loans, resources, press releases and publications on Euro. The Council of the European Union is a Community institution exercising the powers conferred upon it by the Treaties. The Enlargement Website - From A to Z; on the accession candidate countries (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey) With each Country Profile is an overview of
the key documents related to enlargement. These profiles are regularly updated
at Europa Quiz (not active?) European the Federation of European Accounting Experts (FEE). Information for auditors, accountants and business managers. Two key documents are "Software issues for SMEs" (PDF) and "What would happen to a company that was not ready on 1.1.2002?" (PDF) The site features the EuroForum ListServer, newsletters, EC Quarterly Review, brochures, case studies, checklists, the Legal Framework, Consumer Information, National Regulations, Events and presentations, Euro Trophies. A comprehensive set of checklists for changeover planning and advisory notes can be downloaded. Note: the term "SME" here means "Small and Medium Enterprise", not the other acronym "subject matter expert". In Europe, SME is defined as a company employing less than 250 employees and has either sales less than Euro 40 million per annum or a balance sheet total of less than Euro 27 million. In addition, the company must be independent – i.e. separate from an economic group that is stronger than an SME. Eurochambres comprises a business-support network of more than 1,300 Chambers of Commerce and Industry and their national organisations in 34 European countries, representing more than 14,000,000 enterprises. Eurocommerce Retail Trades association had a downloadable section of research papers including "Introducing Euro notes and coins to the public" (offline Feb 2003) EuroBest - best practices recommendations from EUAPME, the European association of SMEs (PME="Petites et Moyennes Entreprises") The site of the European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs offers a practical guide for the SME accountant to enable him and his clients to survive the introduction of the euro. The Federation of European Employers euro information page. has reports and analysis and copies of the euro-papers. EU news, policy positions and contacts online only old 1998 information. Fédération Bancaire de l’Union Européenne. The Banking Federation of the European Union is the united voice of the banks of the European Union (EU) and of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries. The site has documents, position papers, surveys, recommendations for banks. The Accounting Standards Board UK UITF Information Sheet 30 Issued 20 August 1998 Further accounting issues arising from the introduction of the euro (not available May 2004) The OECD issued a paper called "The Economic Consequences of the Euro for the Agro-Food Sector". It analyses the impacts on farm incomes and prices, the rural economy, and intra-EU and international trade flows. It used to be at but is not available since Dec 2001. Association for the Monetary Union of Europe (AMUE) was the body that provided the "euro for business" guides distributed by national business organisations, such as retailers and the tourist industry. Links to Euro Links, Euro Portals, Euro Search Yahoo! USA has full coverage of Euro news. Our page has a high place in its list of related sites. Daily euro news Yahoo! UK & Ireland have links to Resources · Official Treasury Euro site · National Changeover Plan · BBC Euro Centre · Euro Full Coverage (US) · Yahoo! Finance · Exchange Rates · Calendar · FAQ · Glossary · Convert Sterling to Euro is a directory of which we edit the Business_and_Economy/The_Euro category. To search the directory now, just enter your key words into the text box below and click on "Search Europe!" is the Open Directory Project. See: EuroInternet Information Resources Related to European Integration in the Internet is maintained by Dr. Michael Nentwich of Vienna. by Aykut Kibritcioglu in the University of Ankara, Turkey, focuses on European Integration. (Inactive Aug 2002) European Access Plus was an online information service for librarians (not found Dec 2003). Chadwyck-Healey Ltd also publish of which Ian Thomson is also the editor. Other commercial sites shown below maintain their own FAQs and sets of links. Gerhard Kenk used to have a EuroPortal page, about thirty pages of euro-related links with site reviews and his personal recommendation as to which of them are worth a second look. was a search engine for euro links and news organised by country and topic. Commercial Sites:Publishers/Media links:(For recommended books, see our Book List. For a list of publications and the Euro Papers, see the Euro Info page) European Business magazine and email updates EU Observer provides a news feed by email was a newsletter with a focus on the euro changeover in its political, economic, and practical business aspects. Now ceased publication. European Voice Magazine Central Europe magazine covers Eastern Europe and the newly emerging states. Central Europe Review also covers East & West Europe. Euro News from the NewsNow service is updated every 5 minutes at International Treasurer magazine had occasional feature articles on the euro such as "Trust, but verify euro compliance" EuroMoney magazine is aimed at institutional investors. (Not found June 2003) An industry website for finance professionals with links to articles on the euro with a UK focus. Resource for Businesses and Credit Professionals has a Links Directory including euro information. The Financial Times EMU page requires a password which you can get by free registration at the FT home page first. Economist Magazine. A summary of euro articles can be obtained at Washington Post euro features infoBASE EUROPE is a specialist news agency providing daily updates on developments in European social and industrial relations policy. The old web site was (not found Apr 2002) German Europäische Union portal Der Euro kommt - Die Welt Online (Sunday newspaper, Germany) (not found Aug 2002) Euro Web page of Crédit Commercial de France jigsaw puzzle, quiz, and crosswords. Another of their sites was (Offline Dec 2001) L'euro : impacts et enjeux. Avec l'arrivée de l'euro, les entreprises vont devoir concilier les contraintes de conformité à court terme avec une démarche stratégique sur le long terme. (Les Echos is a daily business newspaper in France) BBC World Service Education: Key Issues Q&A: Euro basics; Business and the euro; Consumer benefits; The euro intervention; Euro cash: The look and the story; Europe and the euro. CNN news and links on the euro The Guardian newspaper feature on EMU. The Observer (UK) online debate on the adoption of the euro in the UK MoneyNet in the UK is a financial information portal with euro information for the public. The Irish Times newspaper (subscription only) The Sunday Business Post Online (Ireland) Newspaper Il Sole 24 ore has occasional articles also in English The daily newspaper of Luxembourg. El camino hacia el euro (newspaper El País). Athens News Agency article: 'Euro' challenge begins for Greece
Consultants and Technical information: BASDA have developed a specification of "Euro compliance". Microsoft's Euro Resource centre on TechNet. Includes Microsoft's Best Practices for the Euro based on their euro project experience. PwC Ireland Euro Centre The Euro Diagnostic was available in French, German, and Italian. In response to the euro challenge faced by enterprises, IBM and the CSOEC (Conseil Supérieur de l'Ordre des Experts-comptables) have created an interactive tool to help you assess the status of the Euro project in your company. "Ten Steps to Euro Compliance". The Cap Gemini Ernst & Young euro test examines issues such as ensuring your third party software is euro-ready and how to change your in-house systems, as well as euro-training for staff. (link dead Feb 2002) The impact of EMU and the euro on business - an in-depth focus on the UK. Audit Serve have a free e-mail newsletter which provides articles on the Euro Project, IT Security and Auditing. This site in Monaco has been established jointly by two private companies (Euroconsult Monaco and Pearl-Online) is yet another FAQ Maintained and edited by Juan Amador at Compuserve. Version 0.6 - 13 March, 1998 Risk Services & Technology had a "EMU/Euro Interview Expert" in its RiskTrak risk management software. describes Andrew Johnson Inc.'s proprietary GEAC mainframe general ledger booking currency conversion product. is a case study from MS400. had client case studies (gone Apr 2003) (Offline Dec 2001) EWU-lexikon : EMU News of the WestLB "A Compact Guide to the Euro - The Answers to your Questions". World Currencies and Abbreviations (Not found Jan 2005) jsf's Europage - Standards and Links: Unicode, ISO 8859-X, Code pages, keyboards, symbols. sell a CD of advice on the euro changeover. Julian Clarke's "SME Financial Systems" articles for SMEs on accounting packages and the Euro. (not found Aug 2002) had occasional articles like '2001: The Year Of The Euro' (gone Jan 2005) The Euro Noticeboard of Sage Software Ireland has PDF downloads of the euro changeover in their accounting and payroll packages. Take Five accounting software gives details of their euro conversion wizard in their online support section. The EMUbase site is now closed. It listed organisations providing business and IT consultancy for Economic and Monetary Union projects and the euro. The Catalogue of Currencies is based in Slovakia. It is a commercial product that provides detailed information for the recognition and detection of banknotes and coins. Financial Services Industries:(Banks, exchanges, clearing houses, ...) (Not found June 2003) The euro-Tracker was a monitoring tool for euro cross-border Eurocard-MasterCard activity, based on live data and updated on a monthly basis. It was created to identify the key trends on euro payments made with Eurocard-MasterCard cards. Euronext was born in 2000 from the merger of the exchanges of Amsterdam ( ), Brussels ( ) and Paris ( ) The Association of British Insurers (ABI) EMU working party is looking at the issues for the insurance industry as a whole. ABN AMRO's Euroland Economics Update series. (Allied Banks Euro Guides for business, not found Apr 2002) Bank of Ireland (a commercial bank, not the Central Bank) Ulster Bank EMU page had a number of .PDF files for download. Deutsche Boerse Clearing AG (DBC). The EUROGUIDE provided by Deutsche Boerse is at Reuters have detailed documents regarding the market changes across Europe related to the introduction of the euro on their web-site S.W.I.F.T. Euroclear Mersch Online - Including fast access to public relations material from financial exchanges worldwide Financial Information Services division of SIIA, not much euro information Publications and general information from the International Swaps and Derivatives Association. Their 1998 EMU protocol is at Securities Industry Association, not much euro information Chicago Mercantile Exchange Strategy papers on interest rates, currencies, stock indexes and regulation Others Euronotes from Graham Bishop features "The Capital Markets of Euroland" and "Britain and Euroland". The triggers for Britain joining EMU. A record of the facts: the market views as reflected in yield curves, measures of press coverage, tracking economic convergence, and informed comment on major events. (not found June 2003) Eurofacts from Scan Coin on the physical side of the euro changeover. (Offline Dec 2001) background information about the euro with useful`links, an open discussion forum about the coming euro stamps. Shopping/Consumers/Kids The European giftshop in Brussels. Souvenirs, memorabilia, collectibles, watches, t-shirts, stationery, etc. The "Perfect European" series of stereotype cartoons manages to offend all national sensibilities equally! The place to go for that fun piece of merchandise for your euro campaign. (not available May 2004) Euro shopping game with materials to teach shopping. Toy eurocoins and banknotes. European Blind Union (EBU) Easing the transition to the euro for visually impaired people The EURO, a vehicle for integration or exclusion for visually impaired people ? The ECB has more information on accessibility and security features. Euro Currency Mini-FAQ by Yves Bellefeuille for travellers from the newsgroup (no such host Apr 2002) For kids ... Captain Euro is a comic strip superhero, who cruises around Europe, with his companions Europa and Lupo, doing good and fighting the evil work of archvillain Dr D. Vider. The European Central Bank have devised a number of games for young people that are fun and educational.
See the national euro campaign office in each country for specific public and consumer information. This
page is maintained at SYSMOD.COM Revision History (latest first)2004-05-01 Enlargement links added The following revisions are
to the orginal web page and may not apply above |